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In the last years we heard many times about fatal accidents and environmental disasters due to explosions in refineries, in oil tankers or offshore installations.

It is essential that these high-risk structures become 100% safe places for the well-being of workers and environment.

It is possible to limit accidents at work.

The safety of industrial plants is, in fact, a delicate issue that must involve the whole connected supply chain.

A study carried out by Marsh (Marsh Risk Consulting, 2003), related to the period 1972-2001, took into consideration the 100 accidents globally that caused the greatest damages (in monetary terms).

The study showed that during the considered period, there has been a steady increase of accidents every year. According to the study, this increase is due to ageing of the plants, with a significant number of accident caused by: damages or leaks from piping that caused fires and/or explosions; anomalies during plant start up or shutdowns; natural events.

How can we eliminate this type of accidents?

Passive fire protection is surely one of the most effective methods to reduce the risk of fire in a system’s device.

It is an effective method that allows to minimaze the danger and damage caused by fire inside a refinery, on oil platforms, in petrochemical plants and in the naval and defense sectors.

The significant advantage of a soft and flexible protection is given by the ease of transport, handling, assembly and disassembly.

What are PFPs?

The scope of passive fire protections, known with the abbreviation PFP, is to protect the instruments and the other process parts (installed on a given flow line) from possible damage in case of fire and to ensure controlled shutdown and system safety.These devices are designed to guarantee all safety operations in case of accident; they are able to operate for a specific period of time, equivalent to the required protection period.

Fire protection jackets can be installed directly on valves, actuators or on any type of device that must be protected for safety reasons.

We know that in some environments where the risk of accidents is higher and is often impossible to eliminate; for this reason, it is necessary to act in advance to prevent possible catastrophes.

PFP protections are used in ships, petrochemical plants, refineries, offshore platforms.

Features and benefits

PFP jackets are inherently very flexible and resistant. They are composed by several layers of different material and insulation parts that guarantee excellent performance, definitely superior to that of metallic PFP.

The main characteristics of this product are:

  • Shape: it can be realized in the geometry that best suits the body to be coated.
  • Intuitiveness and easy to install (or remove if necessary).
  • Resistance to bad weather, UV rays, and saline environment.
  • Maneuverability: it is certainly lighter and easier to maneuver than a traditional metallic PFP jacket.
  • It performs thermal insulation.
  • It provides acoustic insulation.
  • It can be equipped with an heating system for cold environments.
  • It allows the maintenance without downtime.

Flexible jackets against fire

New Componit offers an innovative range of preformed jackets as passive fire protections against fire.

Since jackets must be able to guarantee the operation of covered parts, for a certain period of time in presence of hydrocarbon fire, Pyroproof products have been tested and designed to be perfectly adaptable to valves, actuators, pipes, tanks and other equipments.

Do you need further guarantees?

Hereunder are the tests passed by our Pyroproof jackets:

  • Pool Fire 120 Minutes – tested and certified in Chicago (USA) at Underwrite Laboratories.
  • Type Approval certified pool fire 30 Minutes – tested in France at Efectis.
  • Jet Fire 120 Minutes – tested and certified at Spadeadam Center (UK).
  • Blast Test up to 1,85 Bar pressure – tested and certified at Spadeadam Center (UK).


New Componit takes so much care of plant safety, that we have set ourselves the goal of “zero accidents”. We guarantee an immediate assistance service, ready to intervene in any part of the world. Our technical staff carries out 3D designs on request and creates efficiency tests to guarantee certified products.

If you want to know more about Pyroproof jackets, click below.



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Simone Balbi
Chief Operating Officer

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