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Often even if the systems seem to be performing, there are points and junctions where efficiency can be largely improved.

As a matter of facts, it is quite frequent that on traditional insulation systems, in particular if dated, there are problems of energy dispersion. Every dispersion, above all if prolonged over time, causes the company to lose money , as well as a real risks of accidents.

For this reason, it is important to take action, checking the situation of the system and intervening immediately to repair any shortcomings.

An excellent solution to overcome this problem is to use removable insulation, which is an important ally in the energy efficiency, as it allows you to obtain obvious advantages in safety, energy savings and efficiency.


Guaranteed performance : removable insulation

Removable insulation is a flexible insulating jacket that, unlike traditional insulation, can be easily assembled and/or removed .

This is why they are often used in installations where a constant maintenance is required.

However, their high qualitative and structural performance makes them particularly suitable for any type of system, valve, pipe and flange, even where energy loss seems insignificant (but then, in the long term, causes a great deal of energy and money wasted).

The advantages of removable insulation are countless:

  1. Greater safety for personnel (protecting the operator from possible burns and contributing to a cooler, healthier working environment);
  2. Increased energy efficiency and better performance (thermal jackets prevent heat loss and contribute to energy savings, thus reducing consumption and maintenance costs);
  3. Maintenance and checks are quicker and easier to carry out.
  4. Greater impermeability and acoustic insulation (removable insulation is made of high-tech materials and is resistant to atmospheric agents).
  5. Compliance with health and safety regulations.

So, considering the considerable advantages of removable insulation, if you don’t currently have it in your company, it is because you have never tested it.


How to combat efficiency losses

Ensuring the energy efficiency of the installation and preventing efficiency losses is usually the responsibility of the maintenance manager, who often has to find simple solutions to complex problems.

It is not always easy to solve the leakage problems that can occur on a system insulated with traditional insulation.

In this particular context, thermal jackets prove to be important allies: they are able to insulate the system by means of their technical and fireproof fabrics which, since they can be easily removed, can also be easily replaced if worn.

In addition, the greatest advantage of jackets is their perfect fit and compatibility with the structure to which they are applied: through exact measurements, the removable insulations are designed to be a second look for the installation.

This leads to better energy efficiency, greater safety and a guarantee for regulatory standards.

At this point, it is quite clear that using thermal jackets could be an advantageous choice in terms of energy and consequently economicall


Thermographic surveys

To check the health of your system, you can rely on thermographic check that allow you to assess in real time any critical points and the possibilities for intervention.

This is the service that New Componit puts at your disposal: Efficiency Box®, to receive the information you need and take immediate action.

The Efficiency Box® is more than an assessment system, as it is a complete program offering solutions, guarantees and constant support from a team of experts.

The program consists of:

  1. Monitoring of the plant during operation, carried out directly by a New Componit skilled technician;
  2. Design and supply of the required interventions with simple but technologically advanced solutions;
  3. Installation or supervision by New Componit staff;
  4. Direct assistance and prompt intervention, with a dedicated toll-free number (national 800 168 655; international +39 040 9870498);
  5. Immediate return and rapid replacement, within 10 days of delivery in case of defects;
  6. Annual and after-sales check to verify the condition of the product and its operation;
  7. Guaranteed warranty;


With the Efficiency Box® you will be able to improve :

  • – SAFETY

For more information

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