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Passive fire protection systems, better known as PFP, are systems of protection and control, which in the event of fire, have the scope of safeguarding the insulated equipment and ensuring a safe shutdown of the plant.

They have a double purpose:  they preserve the integrity of the instrumentation by acting as insulation during the life cycle and on the other hand, in case of fire, they limit the damage.

As passive protection devices, they are able to counteract both the propagation of fire in space and time, by leaving to people a determined period of time to intervene (equivalent to the protection time required). 

PFP: Where can it be used?

In accordance with art. 4 of Regulation no. 175/1988 fires are classified on a scale A-B-C, according to a high, medium and low risk level.

A PFP is particularly suitable for those fields or company areas where the level of fire risk is always high, due to the presence of flammable substances and/or to the particular conditions of premises, such as: petrochemical plants, refineries, offshore platforms or ships.

In these cases, PFP that can contain the fire and reduce the damage is very effective.

Furthermore, a workplace may have different levels of fire risk, depending on the specific production sites.

These locations include:

  • Areas where work processes require the use of highly flammable substances (such as paints), the use of open flames or the production of a significant source of heat in the presence of combustible substances;
  •  Areas where chemicals are stored or handled;
  •  Areas where explosive substances are stored or handled;
  •  Areas where a considerable amount of combustible material is present;

In these specific cases, installing a PFP device means guaranteeing that the protected equipment will work for a period of time which allow the system to return safe and operative again.

PFP products can be installed directly on valves, actuators, external control units, electrical ducts or any type of equipment that must be protected for safety reasons

PFP: What temperature?

As PFP jackets are used to ensure the proper operation of covered parts, they have to be able to pass special tests and withstand very high temperatures.

As a matter of facts, PFP specifications generally state: “equipment protected against a certain type of fire for a certain period of time, identified in  x minutes.”

In practice, the temperature of an equipment protected by PFP jackets must remain below the critical operating threshold for a given time.

In order to be sure to have operating products, tests must be carried out in accordance with current standards.

To be functioning, the samples tested should faithfully represent the shape of the protection, which will be then replicated in reality.

Generally people are content to test only protections for tubular sections or flat plates, without considering that,  in a real situation , they may not work as expected.

Obviously, the performance required to the PFP and the reference field  will determine the product choice.

In general, the main fire protection devices include:

  • Flexible, i.e. insulating jackets (our Pyroproof ® )
  • Rigid, stainless steel box;
  • in paint, to be applied directly to the equipment.

New Componit’s flexible jackets

To be sure that your equipment is properly protected, you need to rely on expert partners, like New Componit, which has been studying PFP systems since 2005.

New Componit was the first Italian company to certify its PFP flexible jackets against fire. We have invested time, skills and resources to improve and enhance our product. Now our company is one of the world leaders in PFP field.

Thanks to the experience achieved New Componit has developed Pyroproof®, a range of innovative and high-tech PFP jackets.

Pyroproof® jackets are custom-made and designed according to customer’s needs. In addition, they are lightweight, high-performance and resistant to both atmospheric and chemical agents.

Would you like to know something more about Pyroproof® ?

Get in touch with us now for a free performance test

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