During the disassembly of insulation systems, there is a possibility of exposure to calcium chromate. This can occur if the insulation elements and/or materials used, contain calcium or calcium oxides and have been in contact with hot components containing chromium at operating temperatures above 300°C. Likewise, other manifestations in the form of sodium or potassium chromate cannot be ruled out either.
If yellowish dust is visible within the insulation or on the previously insulated component during removal of the insulating elements, a rapid chromium test should be performed immediately, and in case of a positive result, its presence should be reported and a decontamination performed.
First of all, disassembly of insulation should be carried out by personnel in charge and properly trained to do it.
In general, it is advisable to be careful if you have to handle insulation materials that have already been used, and to consider that any cleaning of the machine must be carried out by companies which are responsible for doing it safely.
Also remember that already used insulation materials are considered contaminated and must be disposed of properly.
If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Simone Balbi – Chief Operating Officer