by New-Componit | May 19, 2023 | Technological innovation, Thermal insulation
The bolster is an internal insulation, placed between the conveyor and the external part of expansion joint and its installation brings many benefits. I addition to this, it also acts as an acoustic barrier and allows the expansion joint to receive less thermal...
by New-Componit | Feb 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Here we are together again to share technological solutions by means of removable insulation. The topic of the day is noise. The question I am often asked is: How can I reduce the noise of a particular device like a fan, an engine, a compressor? Well....
by New-Componit | Jul 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
The reduction of heat loss leads to inevitable energy savings and, before designing an insulation solution, it is normal to wonder how much it is worthwhile to perform thermal insulation and how to achieve it, in relation to a possible return on investment, future...
by New-Componit | Mar 8, 2021 | Acustic Removable Insulation, Acustic Removable Insulation, Acustic Removable Insulation, Acustic Removable Insulation
In industrial plants, noise reduction is necessary. In companies with equipment continuously in operation, the constant production of noise is almost unavoidable. The most common sources of noise are: Compressors; Turbines; Fans; Power units; Pipes; Engines. The...