Hexavalent chromium formations: what to know?
Today I would like to talk you about an issue that I have been hearing about for several months: the development of hexavalent chromium and derivatives on equipment thermally insulated. I have thoroughly documented myself and I think it is worthwhile to make some...
How do we solve our customers’ problems?
When we talk about textile solutions for high temperatures inside industrial plants, we know that many related issues arise, such as the expansion of joints, energy efficiency, and personnel safety. Over the years, by regularly visiting our clients' facilities, we...
A dynamic technical department at the service of its customers
Good morning, today I would like to talk to you about an important department of our company: the technical office. Nowadays the technical office must be more and more flexible, working in close contact with sales office. ...
How to handle the possible presence of hexavalent chromium in industrial plants?
For months now, there has been talk about the growing problem of hexavalent chromium formation on insulated structures in industrial plants. Why has there been a debate on this issue? Because this compound, resulting from thermochemical reactions among metal alloys...
Why choose a partner that invests in the training of its employees?
Today I would like to talk you about the constant investment our company makes in employees training and professional development programs. I would like to explore the many benefits this has brought to our organization and employees....
Fabric expansion joints: how to install them correctly?
Today we are going to talk about fabric expansion joints and their correct installation. In other previous posts we have focused on: the materials we use to realize them, their maintenance and the advantages that they can entail in a plant. Why dedicate an article to...
Tipcheck, the energy audit to save money
More and more frequently we hear about Tipcheck, the energy audit. Especially those who work in chemical and pharmaceutical fields will have already heard about it and know the opportunities for energy savings that open up with this analysis. Although the issue of...
Maintenance of fabric expansion joint : what to know
When we speak about plant maintenance, the companies immediately think about activities that take a lot of time and money, without realizing that skipping the periodic maintenance can lead to serious problems. In fact there is a risk of several problems that may...
New Componit and ISO 45001 standard
Why should a small SME invest in health and safety management? ISO 45001 certification is an International standard that defines the requirements of an occupational health and safety management system and provides precise indications for its implementation....
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